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Experience Artisanal Mastery in Every Bite! 5 Nagoya Restaurants Where Guests Can Savor Exceptional Sushi at Counter Tables

Experience Artisanal Mastery in Every Bite! 5 Nagoya Restaurants Where Guests Can Savor Exceptional Sushi at Counter Tables

For those who have not visited such restaurants, enjoying the Chef's Choice Courses at the counter of a high-class sushi restaurant is like a dream come true. Here are some high-class sushi restaurants that are perfect for many situations, including dates, dinner parties, entertaining, and treating oneself. The sushi artisans at these restaurants use their finely honed techniques to turn high-quality ingredients into excellent foods that will deeply move guests.

Culinary Delights near Nagoya Castle! 5 Popular Restaurants to Experience the Unique Flavors of Nagoya

Culinary Delights near Nagoya Castle! 5 Popular Restaurants to Experience the Unique Flavors of Nagoya

Nagoya Castle, which was built by Tokugawa Ieyasu, is known as one of the best castles in Japan. Many people visit here as a classic spot for Nagoya tourism, but many locals also come here to rest. Here are 5 restaurants around the castle where guests can fully enjoy cuisine with Nagoya specialties and high-quality local ingredients. These highly recommended restaurants always come to mind when thinking about Nagoya cuisine.

Enjoy a special experience at shrines and temples which have been registered as World Heritage Sites and National Treasures

Enjoy a special experience at shrines and temples which have been registered as World Heritage Sites and National Treasures

THE LEGENDARY JAPAN Project lets you experience Japan's unique culture and enjoy cuisine by a top chef in a special space. THE LEGENDARY JAPAN Project lets one rent special spaces for small groups in Japanese shrines and temples, which are registered as World Heritage Sites and National Treasures. These spaces normally do not allow visitors to enter. In these spaces, one can directly experience the unique culture of Japan and even enjoy cuisine prepared by a top chef. The contents of this premium tour grant visitors a special experience in places that even Japanese people cannot normally enter or experience, based on the themes of food and culture.

  Enjoy a special experience at shrines and temples which have
  been registered as World Heritage Sites and National Treasures

Enjoy a special experience at shrines and temples which have been registered as World Heritage Sites and National Treasures

THE LEGENDARY JAPAN Project lets you experience Japan's unique culture and enjoy cuisine by a top chef in a special space. THE LEGENDARY JAPAN Project lets one rent special spaces for small groups in Japanese shrines and temples, which are registered as World Heritage Sites and National Treasures. These spaces normally do not allow visitors to enter. In these spaces, one can directly experience the unique culture of Japan and even enjoy cuisine prepared by a top chef. The contents of this premium tour grant visitors a special experience in places that even Japanese people cannot normally enter or experience, based on the themes of food and culture.

What Is Yuba? The History and Method Behind Japanese Tofu Skin, and Where to Try It in Kyoto

What Is Yuba? The History and Method Behind Japanese Tofu Skin, and Where to Try It in Kyoto

Tofu skin, called yuba in Japanese, is a Kyoto specialty that is enjoying worldwide popularity owing to its high nutritional content. This article will introduce you to yuba, including its history, ingredients, recipe, and nutritional value, and recommend two Kyoto restaurants famous for their delicious yuba dishes!

All About Toshikoshi Soba: Origins, When to Eat It, and More!

All About Toshikoshi Soba: Origins, When to Eat It, and More!

Soba (buckwheat) noodles are a classic Japanese dish that is enjoyed throughout the year. However, there’s also a special kind of soba eaten only on New Year’s Eve in Japan called “toshikoshi soba.” This article will explain more about this custom, including how it came to be, at what specific moment toshikoshi soba is consumed, and more.

What Is Edomae Sushi? Unveiling the Origins of Nigirizushi!

What Is Edomae Sushi? Unveiling the Origins of Nigirizushi!

Sushi has garnered international popularity. Though boasting a rich history spanning approximately 1,200 years, the early iterations of sushi differed significantly from its modern counterpart. This article delves into the evolution of sushi, shedding light on how it transformed into the delectable dish we know today, along with recommendations for some of the finest sushi restaurants in Tokyo.

What Is Edomae Sushi? Unveiling the Origins of Nigirizushi!

What Is Edomae Sushi? Unveiling the Origins of Nigirizushi!

Sushi has garnered international popularity. Though boasting a rich history spanning approximately 1,200 years, the early iterations of sushi differed significantly from its modern counterpart. This article delves into the evolution of sushi, shedding light on how it transformed into the delectable dish we know today, along with recommendations for some of the finest sushi restaurants in Tokyo.

Experience the Summer Traditions of Kyoto! How to Enjoy the Enchanting Kamo River Noryo-Yuka

Experience the Summer Traditions of Kyoto! How to Enjoy the Enchanting Kamo River Noryo-Yuka

Kyoto has many summer traditions, but the one that shines brightest is the Kamo River noryo-yuka. These are tatami-matted terraces that hang over the idyllic banks of the Kamo River, which winds through Kyoto City, allowing one to indulge in a meal while relishing the cool breeze. This comprehensive article will guide you through the history, etiquette, and ways to enjoy the Kamo River noryo-yuka, equipping you with all the knowledge you’ll need to join in on this quintessential Kyoto summer experience!

Experience the Summer Traditions of Kyoto! How to Enjoy the Enchanting Kamo River Noryo-Yuka

Experience the Summer Traditions of Kyoto! How to Enjoy the Enchanting Kamo River Noryo-Yuka

Kyoto has many summer traditions, but the one that shines brightest is the Kamo River noryo-yuka. These are tatami-matted terraces that hang over the idyllic banks of the Kamo River, which winds through Kyoto City, allowing one to indulge in a meal while relishing the cool breeze. This comprehensive article will guide you through the history, etiquette, and ways to enjoy the Kamo River noryo-yuka, equipping you with all the knowledge you’ll need to join in on this quintessential Kyoto summer experience!

Indulge in Osaka's Summer Tradition: Tenjin Festival! Delight Your Palate at These 5 Restaurants After the Festivities

Indulge in Osaka's Summer Tradition: Tenjin Festival! Delight Your Palate at These 5 Restaurants After the Festivities

Tenjin festival, held on July 24 and 25, is one of the three major festivals in Japan, along with Kanda festival in Tokyo and Gion festival in Kyoto. It is the largest festival of Osaka Temmangu Shrine, located in the central area of Osaka City, and is a summer tradition of Naniwa, which boasts a tradition of more than 1,000 years. The highlight of the festival is the boat procession on the 25th, when boats carrying portable shrines come and go along the Okawa River. At the climax of the festival, fireworks light up the night sky. After enjoying this major event to the fullest, soak up the enjoyment of the festival at one of Osaka's gourmet restaurants. Here are five restaurants with easy access.

Indulge in Osaka's Summer Tradition: Tenjin Festival! Delight Your Palate at These 5 Restaurants After the Festivities

Indulge in Osaka's Summer Tradition: Tenjin Festival! Delight Your Palate at These 5 Restaurants After the Festivities

Tenjin festival, held on July 24 and 25, is one of the three major festivals in Japan, along with Kanda festival in Tokyo and Gion festival in Kyoto. It is the largest festival of Osaka Temmangu Shrine, located in the central area of Osaka City, and is a summer tradition of Naniwa, which boasts a tradition of more than 1,000 years. The highlight of the festival is the boat procession on the 25th, when boats carrying portable shrines come and go along the Okawa River. At the climax of the festival, fireworks light up the night sky. After enjoying this major event to the fullest, soak up the enjoyment of the festival at one of Osaka's gourmet restaurants. Here are five restaurants with easy access.




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